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      Good Yoga Posture - Learn Some Simple Yoga Poses - Part II - Back Bends


      There are eight major types of yoga postures and exercises or asanas. Within each of these areas are postures which target different areas of the body as well.

      The types of yoga stances include: Warm up Poses, Standing Poses, Seated Poses, Twist Yoga Poses, Supine Poses, Inverted Postures and Balance Poses, Backbends, and Finishng Poses.





      Included below are a sample pose or two from each of these areas to help you begin your yoga adventure.



      Warm Up Poses - The Cat Pose ( (Bidalasana); Yoga Eye Exercises

      Seated Poses - The Easy Pose (Sukhasana); The Upper or Full Boat Pose

      Standing Poses - The Mountain Pose; The Chair Pose I

      Supine Poses - The Wind-Relieving Posture; Leg Reclining Lunge

      Back Bends - The Cobra (Bhujangasana)

      Twist Poses - The Half Spinal Twist

      Inverted and Balance Postures - Crane Pose (Bakasana)

      Finishing Poses - Corpse Pose (Savasana)


      Back Bends


      The Cobra (Bhujangasana)

      This interestingly named pose improves spinal flexibility, tones your mid-section and is good for building strength in legs, arms and the abdominal area.



      In this pose, keep your buttock muscles relaxed. With each exhale, try to move your chest further upwards.

      Do NOT force the move!!! Stay relaxed and move gently.

      This exercise may be somwhat uncomfortable, especially if your spine is stiff or you have low back pain. This pose is often specifically recommended to relieve these conditions. Just remember to be gentle and use common sense about your own pain and discomfort.

      1. Stretch out on your stomach with legs and feet together.
      2. Rest your head on your lower arms.
      3. Raise your forehead, look foreward, and move your hands and elbows backwards, placing your hands each side of your body with your palms flat down, fingers facing forward, next to your armpit area below your shoulders.Let your weight rest on your chest.
      4. Lift your upper body by gradually lifting the head and chest from your neck and chin, keeping your shoulders down. (Pelvis and thighs should not leave the yoga mat.)
      5. Imagine your arms being pulled gently backward, push up and back gently, shifting the weight more to your stomach area, where the lower back will do the work.
      6. With each exhale, move your chest higher upwards.
      • Do not force...do in a relaxed manner. If it is more comfortable, you may tilt your head back.
      • If you cannot raise your chest further, place your hands and arms beside your chest, keeping the accomplished bend.
      • Stretch your shoulders and arms straight up and down, perpendicular to the floor to let your arms bear the weight and relax your lower back.


      Hold your pose for about twenty to thirty seconds as you inhale and exhale fully and evenly through your nose.
































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