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      Good Yoga Posture - Learn Some Simple Yoga Poses - Part II - Finishing Poses


      There are eight major types of yoga postures and exercises or asanas. Within each of these areas are postures which target different areas of the body as well.

      The types of yoga stances include: Warm up Poses, Standing Poses, Seated Poses, Twist Yoga Poses, Supine Poses, Inverted Postures and Balance Poses, Backbends, and Finishng Poses.





      Included below are a sample pose or two from each of these areas to help you begin your yoga adventure.



      Warm Up Poses - The Cat Pose ( (Bidalasana); Yoga Eye Exercises

      Seated Poses - The Easy Pose (Sukhasana); The Upper or Full Boat Pose

      Standing Poses - The Mountain Pose; The Chair Pose I

      Supine Poses - The Wind-Relieving Posture; Leg Reclining Lunge

      Back Bends - The Cobra (Bhujangasana)

      Twist Poses - The Half Spinal Twist

      Inverted and Balance Postures - Crane Pose (Bakasana)

      Finishing Poses - Corpse Pose (Savasana)


      Finishing Poses


      Finishing poses help you to wind down and attain the maximum from the efforts you have just put forth. They give your body a chance to process, assimilate and incorporate the benefits of the asanas, and help you to relax your mind, body and spirit as they are further connected.


      Corpse Pose (Savasana)

      The Corpse Pose is a popular classic yoga relaxation asana, used not only in final relaxation, but performed before or between other poses. Affixed with a name not exactly inspiring confidence, its connotation rings true to objective -- really total body, mind and spirit relaxation.

      Don't be deceived by the apparent simplicity of this pose. It requires concentration, which will develop for you with continued, regular, committed practice.

      Learning to do this asana correctly will provide you wonderful benefits. You will find relief for a number of conditions: constipation, indigestion and insomnia. Nervousness and fatigue can be alleviated, while those suffering diabetes and asthma will find welcome respite. And added to that: improved ability to focus and concentrate.

      This pose lasts from 5 - 10 minutes, during which you must remain awake to derive the benefits of your work.



      1. Roll your legs in and out, and finally let them fall naturally in to place, out to the sides.
      2. Allow your arms to relax beside your body, positioned slightly out and away from you,  with your palms facing upwards.
      3. Rotate the spine by turning your head from side to side, centering it.
      4. Now, imagine that someone is pulling your body parts to stretch you out:
        • your head is being pulled away from your feet;
        • your shoulders - down and away from your neck;
        • your legs- down and away from your pelvis.
      5. Breathe slowly and deeply from your abdomen.
      6. Still your thoughts, focus on breathing and your body.
      7. Hold this pose for several minutes.
      8. After completing the posture, bend your knees.
      9. Push yourself onto one side with the use of your legs.
      10. Push yourself up into a seated position.

      Arise -- and shine!































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